Article Withdrawal, Corrections and Retraction

Article Withdrawal
Manuscripts submitted to the journal are edited and reviewed in good faith, utilizing editorial office and editorial and reviewer manpower resources without any processing fees. Thus, accomplished author forms are required prior to processing, which include duly signed copyright transfer statements. Despite this contract, authors who are compelled to withdraw their manuscript at any time during the editing and review period, before the final version of the manuscript has been approved by the authors, must provide a reasonable explanation in a formal written request addressed to the Editor-in-Chief and the President of the Philippine Society of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (as publisher and copyright owner).

Article Corrections

Galley Proofs with the final version of the manuscript to be published are corrected (if needed) and approved by all co-authors, with their signatures affixed to each page of the approved Galley Proof. Hence, corrections to the published article are very rarely entertained, unless a subsequent development that affects the soundness of the science necessitates such a correction (i.e., errors in analysis or computations, that may subsequently be pointed out by readers). A corrigendum may be published in a succeeding issue of the journal, while a notation identifying such a corrigendum may be affixed to the electronic version. The originally-published article will remain published as is, with the corrections appended to it. Where serious errors in the published version (such as plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, image manipulation, duplicate publication) invalidate the results and conclusion of the article, the article will be retracted instead of merely corrected.

For all corrections:
• A correction notice/erratum signed by all authors shall be published as the cover page of the corrected PDF version.
• The corrected article version shall include details of the changes from the original version and the dates on which the changes were made.
• The previous published version of the article shall remain published, but the original online version will clearly state that a corrected version exists, with links to that version.
• New citations shall be ascribed to the corrected version, in addition to the original DOI for the initially published version.

Article Retraction
Retraction is a very serious matter, that is made by the Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery through its Editor-in-Chief or Editorial Board, in case a published article is found to have serious errors, or to have involved misconduct (such as plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, image manipulation, duplicate publication) that invalidate the results and conclusion of the article.

For all retractions:
• A retraction notice signed by all authors shall be published as the cover page of the PDF version.
• The original article shall remain in the database and published issue but a notation shall be made indicating that the article has been retracted, following the convention: “RETRACTION: [Title].”
• The HTML version shall be removed and the link button to the HTML version disabled.
• A watermark indicating that the work is retracted shall be placed on each page of the original article published and shall be uploaded to replace the PDF version.