Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery


  • Frederick Mars B. Untalan, MD, MBAH, FPSO-HNS Baguio General Hospital



environment, community, Move Up and Forward


The year 2022 created new challenges to our profession and to our lives. We used the unexpected struggles we have endured over the past two years as an encouragement to anticipate for the volatile and uncertain future. This pertains to the personal level, to the PSO-HNS and to the community we serve. To be triumphant, we need to amplify our voices about what matters in otolaryngologic health care, and to continually demonstrate how ORL-HNS research and training translate to the community and to the environment.

Early this year, we spoke of this year’s battle cry: “Move Up and Forward.” I challenged all of us to upgrade some aspect of our lives, our profession, our colleagues, and our community. We have to “entrust ourselves to anything greater than ourselves.”

The pandemic is certainly still here and we never cease to navigate these unforeseeable times. We still go on and constantly renew our professional aspirations and personal desires.

We pray for more lustrous days and catch on from this experience so that we are better rehearsed and better equipped and all set for the next challenge. We keep the faith that we can make a difference and know that we can make longer strides.

We have seen and dealt with challenges during this pandemic. We are overworked and worn out, we continue to struggle, and are figuring out how to stay focused and move forward. It is fitting for us to revitalize the energy that drives the PSO-HNS to be the amazing fellows for our country. Moving forward means using that “take the lead and earn the wings” attitude that we all have and applying it to our own profession.

With these, I believe we have been made stronger. Our strength is made clear in being complacent with the bothersome and preparing for the unpredictable. This is taxing and demanding.

We all need to continue to support one another for the years to come. The ORL-HNS specialty is unique and has trained us to be prepared for the unexpected. We will hold on and see it through, and we will reach out and keep in touch. We forge commitments to ourselves and to each other. A positive attitude is fundamental to be triumphant. We need to stay clear and confident; it will encourage others to be optimistic.

This has not been the year that we had envisioned months ago, but it has been a year that has challenged us in ways we could not have foreseen. We acknowledge the challenge and remain energetic. We do not know why things happen the moment they occur, but we believe that there is a reason and that we must have faith, hope, and trust in the journey of life. We cannot live freely and thrive by living in the past. We must move up and forward.

With that goal in mind, if we push everyone forward and move up toward our highest hopes and aspirations, the momentum of the PSO-HNS community will build toward positive change. It starts for each of us today. Find your compass and prove to yourself that constancy pays off. Choose your journey, choose your battles and follow your dreams.


Let’s keep challenging one another to Move Up and Forward.
Stay organized, have a purpose and be the best version of yourself.


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How to Cite

Untalan FM. Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. Philipp J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 16];37(2):2. Available from: